Tomato sauce

Sauces | July 5, 2016 | By

Tomato sauce
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  1. 2 tins of chopped tomatoes
  2. 1 Onion
  3. 2 Cloves of garlic
  4. 1 Stick of celery
  5. 1 Carrot
  6. 1 grated zucchini
  1. Chop your onion carrot and celery and fry in a pan with some olive oil till soft,then add chopped garlic and and zucchini and fry a little longer.
  2. Add both tins of tomato and cook on a low heat till reduced and a rich red colour.
  3. When the sauce is reduced, set it aside to cool slightly then put it into blender to blend till smooth.
  4. You can use this as a sauce for pasta or fry some minced beef or chicken and add sauce for bolognese.
Tina's tip
  1. You can also try this sauce with Chicken legs or pork chops as a stew.
Tina's Cooks


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