Thai Pumpkin cauliflower and chicken

Mains | June 30, 2016 | By

Thai Pumpkin cauliflower and chicken
Serves 4
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
35 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
35 min
  1. 2 litres of homemade chicken broth (Check out my other broth recipes in the sauces tab)
  2. 1/4 pumpkin chopped
  3. 1/2 head of cauliflower grated
  4. 1 large handful of peas sprouts
  5. 1 chili padi
  6. 1 large kefir lime leaf
  7. 1 small handful of fresh Thai basil
  8. 1 tin organic coconut milk
  9. Splash of fish sauce
  10. Salt and pepper
  1. Strain your broth keeping meat to one side.
  2. Heat broth in a large pan add the cut pumpkin, cauliflower, chopped chili, lime leaf and coconut milk. Boil for 10 minutes until the pumpkin is nearly tender.
  3. Add chicken, basil and pea sprouts and heat through.
  4. Season with the fish sauce and salt and pepper.
Tina's Cooks


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