Roasted beetroot and goat’s cheese salad

Starters | June 30, 2016 | By

Roasted beetroot and goat's cheese salad
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  1. 4 fresh beetroots
  2. 1 cloves of garlic
  3. 1 log of goat's cheese with skin on
  4. 1 bag of rocket salad
  5. 4 slices of good brown or walnut bread
  6. 1 packet of walnuts or large handful
  7. Salt, pepper and olive oil
  1. 4 tbls balsamic vinegar
  2. 10 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  3. 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  4. Salt and pepper
  1. Turn on you oven and heat it up to 180-200 C
  2. In some tin foil place your beets and the clove of garlic pour over a little olive oil and season then wrap them up and roast for 45 mins to an hour depending on size.
  3. When the beetroot is cooked let them cool and peel them,set aside and get your bread ready.
  4. First put on your grill then place the slices on an oven tray and drizzle with olive oil then put them under and toast both sides lightly.
  5. Now prepare the salad ,share out you salad leaves between your plates and top with your toasted walnuts and sliced beetroot.
  6. Then slice your cheese and place on top of the toast and back under the grill to melt, when cheese is bubbling place on top of the salad and drizzle with your dressing and serve.
Tina's Cooks


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