Prosciutto, pear & rocket rolls

Starters | July 6, 2016 | By

Prosciutto, pear & rocket rolls
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  1. 2 ripe but firm pear, cored and
  2. halved
  3. 1 tsp lemon juice
  4. 2 large handfuls of rocket
  5. 12 slices prosciutto or parma ham
  6. 30g parmesan or Grana Padano, shaved with a potato peeler
  7. 24 cocktail sticks (toothpicks)
  1. Cut each pear half into 4 long pieces, to make 16. You'll need 12, so eat the rest.
  2. Combine the pears and lemon juice and season.
  3. Put a pear slice and a few leaves of rocket on each prosciutto slice.
  4. Add a shaving of parmesan, roll tightly and secure with 2 toothpicks.
  5. Roll all the others, then cut each in half in between the toothpicks.
Tina's Cooks


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