Kids burgers

Mains | June 30, 2016 | By

Kids burgers
Serves 4
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Total Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr
  1. 600 g of good quality minced beef
  2. 1 carrot grated
  3. 2 tbsp Tomato ketchup
  4. 1 egg
  5. 1 cloves of crushed garlic
  6. 1 tbls dried basil/oregano
  7. 1 grated cheese
  8. 4 good quality bread rolls
  9. 1 tomato
  10. 1 avocado
  11. Salt and pepper
  12. Lettuce leaves
  1. Put all the ingredients into a bowl apart from the cheese and mix together.
  2. Divide the mixture into 8 parts about the same size.
  3. Flatten out the meat into patties, then cut your cheese into 4 slices about 2 oz each and put piece on each of the 4 patties.
  4. Then put the other 4 meat patties on top and make them into one patty. This will leave you with 4 burgers in total.
  5. The burgers can be cooked on the BBQ or in a pan, but make sure if you are cooking them on the BBQ that you do not move them around too much or they will fall apart!
  6. Slice the tomato and avocado and make the corn relishes to serve with them .
Tina's Cooks


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