Creature of habit

Things I like | February 3, 2021 | By

Are you a creature of habit? Turns out if you are it’s a good thing! Recently I have been hearing a lot about a Man called BJ Fogg. I have just started following him on Instagram. His theory is we can create a tiny habits that are good for you and it with make you happier and healthier.

Most of us already have habits we have been doing for so long they are just part of us. Like brushing our teeth in the morning and before bed. Having a cup of tea or coffee when we wake up, take out vitamins. Brushing our hair, putting on make up? Locking the front door before bed. There are so many things.

I imagine most of you would like to become healthier or happier or more productive in your work . Attaching tiny habits may help you. Say taking the stairs at work instead of the lift, or walking or biking instead of taking the bus? Eating an extra portion of vegetables or fruit with each meal? Not finishing work till you have gone though that last bit of paperwork? Or spending more time with family and friends? Planting the vegetables patch you have always dreamt about? Meat free Monday? Doing charity work once a week?

The options are endless! So start small. Pick a time of day when you can add it in and stick with it. Maybe drinking a glass of water when you wake up and before each meal? Or getting outside for at least an hour a day! I’m going to start with trying to add posts to my blog once a week and hopefully giving some useful and healthful information to you all. Let me know how you get on!


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    Vicky Hunt
    February 4, 2021

    Thanks Tina. Funny you’ve mentioned the habit I’ve just started to do – try and drink a pint of water first thing in the morning. I know how good it is for you but I struggle, prefer a lovely brew first thing. But I’m getting there.

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      February 4, 2021

      I have been doing this for years now, I find if I leave a full jug of water by my bed the night before it reminds me to do it as soon as my feet touch the ground ! Try this tiny habit to help you😊

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